

OCD services offered in Sioux City, IA


Are you constantly washing your hands, checking the stove or door locks, or experiencing a strong desire for extreme orderliness? These are all signs of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). At New Horizon Mental Health and Wellness LLC in Sioux City, Iowa, board-certified psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner Dorcas Kamau, PMHNP-DNP, offers in-person and virtual OCD treatments to help you effectively cope with your condition and thrive. Schedule an evaluation by phone or request one online today to restore your mind.

What is OCD?

Obsessive-compulsive disorder, or OCD, is a condition that causes obsessions (unwanted thoughts) and compulsions (repetitive, ritualistic behaviors). Minor cases aren’t generally a cause for concern, but seek treatment for OCD if it gets in the way of your job, school, relationships, or overall quality of life. Treating OCD can help you feel more relaxed, avoid intrusive thoughts, and eliminate unwanted behaviors.

Which symptoms can OCD cause?

OCD is associated with the following symptoms:

  • Unwanted thoughts
  • Fear of dirt or germs
  • Constantly washing your hands
  • Always checking locked doors or stove knobs
  • Not touching door handles or shaking hands
  • Needing things to stay orderly
  • Arranging canned goods the same way
  • Horrific or aggressive thoughts
  • Depression
  • Anxiety

OCD symptoms vary from person to person, ranging from mild and not bothersome to severe and debilitating. They typically appear during the teenage years or young adulthood. Your symptoms might worsen when you’re under stress or in times of transitional changes. 

What increases my risk of OCD?

While the exact cause of OCD isn’t fully clear, its risk factors include a family history of OCD or other mental health issues, learned behaviors from family or friends, and stressful life events. Your risk also increases if you have depression, anxiety, substance use disorder, or a tic disorder.

How is OCD diagnosed?

Dorcas determines if you have OCD after discussing your mental health history, medications, symptoms, and lifestyle habits. She asks detailed questions during a psychiatric evaluation to address your emotions, moods, behaviors, and thought patterns.

What is the best treatment for OCD?

Treating OCD at New Horizon Mental Health and Wellness LLC typically involves cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), exposure therapy, or other forms of therapy. You might take medications, alter your lifestyle habits, or combine multiple treatments to achieve long-lasting success. The best treatment varies as everyone experiences OCD differently.

Dorcas provides strategies that minimize worrisome OCD thoughts and behaviors. They help you rediscover joy, a sense of calm, and the best quality of life possible. Follow up with Dorcas weekly or anytime you need additional therapy sessions. She can meet with you at her office or from the comfort of your home via virtual therapy.

Schedule an OCD evaluation at New Horizon Mental Health and Wellness LLC by calling the office or using the online booking feature today.